
When you are new to the network marketing business you may not have the complete knowledge about the business therefore you should bring you prospect to you up line and request them to entertain your prospect they definitely will not deny you infect they will appreciate you for not giving presentation to your prospect your self.

Now your prospect will give your prospect the complete knowledge to your prospect. As far as the presenter of the business is concerned with your prospect all he need to is a brief introduction of the business.

When your prospect is getting business presentation you should go to your seniors and request them to spare few minutes for your prospect and share their experience with your prospect, this is called cross motivation.

When your prospect has attended the business presentation then you should take him to your senior from whom you have taken time for your prospect. This will definitely impress your prospect that this is really a good business that every one is working in a highly cooperative environment.


Network marketing business highly depends at your attitude and way you behave with others. In network marketing business your up line is the most respectable person and you must give respect to your seniors and your up line so give respect to your seniors and up line.

When you will behave in respect full manner with your up line member then new persons who are not yet familiar with network marketing business will get a good impression of the business that this business is about giving respect and receiving money.

When you bring your potential prospect to your senior or up line you and you tell to your prospect that you senior is a highly respectable person and has a good knowledge of the business then your prospect too will definitely give respect to senior and will listen you up line attentively.

On the other hand if you don’t give respect to your up line then your potential prospect will think that you are not behaving well to your up line and he also don’t need to give respect to you because after you prospect become your team member you will become his up line and you will not get any respect from your team.

That is why this business can be called giving respect and receiving money.

Shipping and Receiving Money

Shipping and Receiving Money

Network marketing business is about shipping and receiving money. There are four ships that are given below:


First you create relationship with unknown persons.


Then convert this relationship into friendship.


Then make your friend member of your company.


And finally make you team member a great leader by developing leadership qualities in your team member.



In network marketing business you work with a team and make your own team as well. This business is about helping and sharing the knowledge and information.

Negative UP Positive DOWN

What ever negative information you notice about your business forward it to your up line that is Negative UP.

And what ever positive things you find in the business you spread it between you team that is Positive DOWN.

You will never find the word LEADER TEAM, definitely the right word is TEAM LEADER that means you are leader with your team if you have no team.

The word team means
• T - Together
• E - Everyone
• A - Achieves
• M - More

Or we can say

• T - Target
• E - Excitement
• A - Attitude
• M - Management

Self Owned Business

Self Owned Business

The network marketing business is a self owned business. It’s your choice that how you run your business.

If you are doing business the first thing that you need to look at is your out look. Your out look should like business man’s look. You need not to say others that you are a business man your out look should say it self that you are a business man.

Your way of behaving, attitude, behaving, wordings and way of doing work should itself say that you are a perfect business man.

If you are doing a job you will get a fixed amount of salary but if you are doing your own business like network marketing business, you can set your earnings your self and then whether you achieve your target or not it depends on your efforts that you put in your business to achieve your targeted salary.

In a typical job you are always afraid of your boss and you try to keep your boss always happy. And the fair of getting fired from the office will always be there. And your senior will always be in search of your weaknesses and will not let you come up and get his place.

But on the other hand in network marketing business there is no boss you are the boss of your self and if you are your own boss then there is no need to worry about getting fired.

In network marketing one the positive thing as compare to traditional business is that your senior/your up line will always be trying to pull you up and will be involved in motivating you. Because your success is your up liner’s success.


The second step id to manage your name list to get best out of it.

You can use the formula called MAN to make selection of your list. Start from the end of this word MAN.

The last one is N that stands for NEED, the person who has the need and is sincere with his need.

In the middle comes A that stands for AUTHORITY, a person who has the authority to work independently, who does not need any permission to work in network marketing business from its parent or wife.

And the first one is M that stands for MONEY, it does not mean that he/she must have money; it means that if he does not have the required money for purchasing he could at least arrange that money.

Then make a list showing the following details,

Serial# Name Address Contact# Time to Meet Remarks

Now divide you contacts in three categories first “A” second “B” then third “C”.
Now the person who is complete MAN place him in the first category called “A”. And those who are only MA AN or NA, write them in second category called “B”. And at the end place those persons in category “C” who are only M A or N.

Life Is Limited

Life is Limited

A human life is limited on average bases every human have a life of about 60 years.

But if we analyze these 60 years we will come to know that we have only 20 years to work when we can use our full skills and get best out of our work.

A normal person takes 8 hours of sleep. And if we calculate the ratio of these 8 hours it will be one third of our whole day. And if we take one third of our average
life it will be 20 years that means we spend 20 years of our life in sleeping and in remaining 40 we of course we can not work any where at beginning 10 years of out life.

Now we have only 30 years left and out of these 30 years we are unable to work properly in 10 years after the life of 50 years.

Considering all the above calculations we are left with the only 20 years to work properly and effectively and of curse we can only enjoy our life in before 50s Because in that age we need more and more rest.

So if we want to enjoy our life then we must get the success in these 20 years and enjoy our life.

And how can we get this success in our 30 years of life?

The answer is “ETWORK MARKETING”.

Yes it is possible to achieve success in very short period of time because when work in a network marketing system you are not alone you have a team and what you team is doing for them selves it will also be considered as your work.

Now if you can work maximum hours in a day you can hardly work 12 hours. But you work only 4 hours in any network marketing company and for say you have a tam of 10 persons then you work is being done for 44 hours a day that impossible in any other business.



You invitation should be to the point and you should not discuss three things during your invitation that are

1. Company.
2. Product.
3. Marketing Plan.

There are so many ways to invite your potential prospect. That depends on the relation between you and your prospect.

Use the last minute rule to invite your potential prospect.


Last minute rule means that you shout invite your prospect in the last minute of your meeting or communication with him/her.

Name List

The first thing to manage after becoming a customer of a network marketing company is your name list. Every person has an already made name list that is saved in the mobile phone. All you need to is that just write them down on paper. What ever quantity of contacts you have, normally 100 contacts, keep them maintained at least 100 contacts.

In network marketing business your contact list is the most important thing. It is you fuel in network marketing business, for example in any business if have invested a huge amount of capital but u don’t have the raw material then you can never get profit out of your business.

You maintain your name list at the quantity of at least 100 contacts you can follow the 2M rule.

The 2M rule means that where ever you find a person around you in 2 meter area for 2 minutes that person must be added your name list.

Your name list works as motivational tool for you. It doesn’t let go down you moral to work more and more.

Training Main

To increase your earnings using network marketing as a customer u must take some initial steps.

To increase you residual income you must take some initiative to go grow up your network and effective use of your existing network.

Here are some steps given below if you follow all these steps then you success will be in your feats.

1. Name List.
2. Selection.
3. Invitation.
4. T/Up.
5. Presentation.
6. Vaccination.
7. Follow Up.
8. Purchasing.
9. Team Management.



Network marketing is a technique that is being used by many numbers of organizations and multinational companies.

Network means connection between person to person and using this connection people market different products and companies.

Network marketing transfers man to man and using network marketing the company does not have to follow the traditional marketing.

In traditional marketing there is a chain using which companies sell there products.

In traditional marketing the product first comes to the sole distributor and then sole distributor distributes the product to regional distributor.

Then this regional distributor distributes the product whole sellers then the

product comes to the retail stores and finally a user purchase that product from retailers.

And there is huge contribution of MEDIA that bring the product into the knowledge of consumers.

While the product reaches to the final consumer it has become the 3 fold of its original manufacturing price.

On the other hand if we tak about the network marketing there is no sole distributors no regional distributors no whole sellers and no retailers.

And of course there is no MEDIA to advertise the product.

The person who first becomes the customer of the company then he automatically becomes the representative of the company.

And sells the product of that company



Network marketing is a technique that is being used by many numbers of organizations and multinational companies.

Network means connection between person to person and using this connection people market different products and companies.

Network marketing transfers man to man and using network marketing the company does not have to follow the traditional marketing.

In traditional marketing there is a chain using which companies sell there products.

In traditional marketing the product first comes to the sole distributor and then sole distributor distributes the product to regional distributor.

Then this regional distributor distributes the product whole sellers then the

product comes to the retail stores and finally a user purchase that product from retailers.

And there is huge contribution of MEDIA that bring the product into the knowledge of consumers.

While the product reaches to the final consumer it has become the 3 fold of its original manufacturing price.

On the other hand if we tak about the network marketing there is no sole distributors no regional distributors no whole sellers and no retailers.

And of course there is no MEDIA to advertise the product.

The person who first becomes the customer of the company then he automatically becomes the representative of the company.

And sells the product of that company

Network Marketing Quotes

"Management is doing things right; leadership is doing the right things.”

"You can help a thousand, but you cannot carry 3 on your back. Learn to help those who deserve, not those who need" - Jim Rohn

"You don't have to get it perfect, you just need to get it started" - Joe Schoeder

"With the internet explosion, in the future there will be two kinds of people those with networks (downline) and those without !" - someone smart

"In Network Marketing, the NETWORKING always comes before the MARKETING" - Silke Stahl

"Network Marketing is a paid social life."

"When You Have a Good Intention and Believe in What You Do, the Universe Will Align Itself to Help You in Every Way It Can."

9 mind tricks to get what you want

9 mind tricks to get what you want
Play those mind games
There’s a subtle tactic to make things go your way in your career, love life, and social world —one that has nothing to do with effort or luck. It’s called priming. Research shows that by exposing people to specific words, body language and symbols, they can be affected in a way that benefits you without their even realizing what’s going on. Here’s how to use subliminal moves to get an edge.
1. To seem like a team player at work ...
Put up a picture of your dog (or even a friend’s pup) in your workspace. When people look at shots of a pet dog, they not only tend to presume you’re loyal, but they may also act more loyal toward you. But don’t paper your cube with canines. Research shows that too many personal shots make others perceive you as a less professional worker.
2. To appear more powerful in the office hierarchy ...
Wear a chic all-black outfit to work, and don’t smile as often as you’re inclined. You’ll be seen as assertive and directed. Studies have found that people in black uniforms (like sports teams) are viewed as more dominant figures, while the act of keeping a neutral face is associated with higher status and power in a work environment.

3. To bond with the boss ...
Offer to get her a hot cup of coffee — even if you’re not her assistant — and chat her up as she’s drinking it. A recent study showed that just by holding the high-temp liquid, she’ll implicitly assume you’re an emotionally warm person — someone very likable. Just don’t hand her an iced latte or you could trigger a frosty reception.
4. To have "the talk" without making your partner flip out ...
Take him to a restaurant that has soft feminine colors and furniture with few angular lines. Researchers think that simply being in this kind of an environment can influence a person to behave in a more feminine way in terms of communicating. That means that he’ll be more likely to be open and disclose his true feelings to you
5. To make your crush fall for you on a dinner date ...
Subtly touch the back of his hand as you’re reaching across the table for bread. It’s a proven way to win someone’s affection: Libraries and car dealerships have higher customer-satisfaction ratings when workers imperceptibly touch their clients. Touch activates the human desire to bond.
6. To seem more alluring when you meet a guy ...
Talk about a beach vacation you took using sensual terms (e.g., “The sun felt so fabulously warm against my skin”) to paint a mental picture about the climate. According to psychologists, this seductive I-feel-like-I’m-there speech will make him associate your personality with the lush sensations you’re describing.

7. To impress a guy’s parents the first time you meet them ...
Casually praise someone whom you’re certain his mom or dad holds in high esteem, such as a political figure, author, or celebrity. Experts say that as you talk about their hero in a positive light, your targets start to think about all the qualities they admire in that person. And because they’re looking at you, they’ll subconsciously link you with that person’s positive traits.

8. To make a friend out of an acquaintance ...
Start mirroring her behavioral tics, like touching your hair when she touches hers. We like to see ourselves in other people. Researchers at New York University found that when you’re sitting across from someone who’s unconsciously shaking his foot, if you start moving yours in a similar but unobtrusive way, then the person feels more positive toward you.
9. Your slob roomie to clean up after herself more often ...
Spray a bit of liquid all-purpose cleaner in the air right before she enters the skanky spot in question. A Dutch study recently proved that the faint smell of a cleaning product will spur people to start picking up the area around them. You can also prime her by squirting a little fluid in the bathroom sink before she goes in to use it.