Network marketing is a technique that is being used by many numbers of organizations and multinational companies.
Network means connection between person to person and using this connection people market different products and companies.
Network marketing transfers man to man and using network marketing the company does not have to follow the traditional marketing.
In traditional marketing there is a chain using which companies sell there products.
In traditional marketing the product first comes to the sole distributor and then sole distributor distributes the product to regional distributor.
Then this regional distributor distributes the product whole sellers then the
product comes to the retail stores and finally a user purchase that product from retailers.
And there is huge contribution of MEDIA that bring the product into the knowledge of consumers.
While the product reaches to the final consumer it has become the 3 fold of its original manufacturing price.
On the other hand if we tak about the network marketing there is no sole distributors no regional distributors no whole sellers and no retailers.
And of course there is no MEDIA to advertise the product.
The person who first becomes the customer of the company then he automatically becomes the representative of the company.
And sells the product of that company