
The second step id to manage your name list to get best out of it.

You can use the formula called MAN to make selection of your list. Start from the end of this word MAN.

The last one is N that stands for NEED, the person who has the need and is sincere with his need.

In the middle comes A that stands for AUTHORITY, a person who has the authority to work independently, who does not need any permission to work in network marketing business from its parent or wife.

And the first one is M that stands for MONEY, it does not mean that he/she must have money; it means that if he does not have the required money for purchasing he could at least arrange that money.

Then make a list showing the following details,

Serial# Name Address Contact# Time to Meet Remarks

Now divide you contacts in three categories first “A” second “B” then third “C”.
Now the person who is complete MAN place him in the first category called “A”. And those who are only MA AN or NA, write them in second category called “B”. And at the end place those persons in category “C” who are only M A or N.