Network marketing business highly depends at your attitude and way you behave with others. In network marketing business your up line is the most respectable person and you must give respect to your seniors and your up line so give respect to your seniors and up line.
When you will behave in respect full manner with your up line member then new persons who are not yet familiar with network marketing business will get a good impression of the business that this business is about giving respect and receiving money.
When you bring your potential prospect to your senior or up line you and you tell to your prospect that you senior is a highly respectable person and has a good knowledge of the business then your prospect too will definitely give respect to senior and will listen you up line attentively.
On the other hand if you don’t give respect to your up line then your potential prospect will think that you are not behaving well to your up line and he also don’t need to give respect to you because after you prospect become your team member you will become his up line and you will not get any respect from your team.
That is why this business can be called giving respect and receiving money.
