Name List

The first thing to manage after becoming a customer of a network marketing company is your name list. Every person has an already made name list that is saved in the mobile phone. All you need to is that just write them down on paper. What ever quantity of contacts you have, normally 100 contacts, keep them maintained at least 100 contacts.

In network marketing business your contact list is the most important thing. It is you fuel in network marketing business, for example in any business if have invested a huge amount of capital but u don’t have the raw material then you can never get profit out of your business.

You maintain your name list at the quantity of at least 100 contacts you can follow the 2M rule.

The 2M rule means that where ever you find a person around you in 2 meter area for 2 minutes that person must be added your name list.

Your name list works as motivational tool for you. It doesn’t let go down you moral to work more and more.